Is working from home as easy and as good as it sounds?
Working from home is becoming a popular option for people who want to avoid the daily commute and have more time to spend with their family – and it has become particularly popular due to many changes that have come with COVID-19. Working from home may seem like an easier option than heading elsewhere to the office, but it comes with its own set of challenges.
Working from home requires discipline and self-motivation, the ability to manage your time and maintain a work-life balance. As a small business owner, it can be easy to get distracted or even forget to get dressed for the day (yes, I’m guilty. I am literally writing this in my PJ’s!). However, with the right processes in place, working from home can be a very productive and rewarding way to make a living.
Six tips to help you stay on track when working at home

As home office workers ourselves, we love the perks such as flexible working hours and the lack of distractions (ok…. who am I kidding, maybe not the distractions part!). There are drawbacks to consider though, such as feeling disconnected from your colleagues and having less motivation to work. Keep your productivity flowing and your sanity in check with these six tips for working from home.
- Create a workspace just for work – It is important to separate your home life from your work life, even though they are in the same building. Keep your work things together in one spot designated for the job, and the rest of your house for family/life/fun.
- Keep your workspace tidy and clutter-free (in other words, get organised) – A cluttered desk is not overly conducive to high amounts of work! Spend 10 minutes at the end of each day to get your desk or workspace back in order, ready to start fresh the next day.
- Set regular hours and stick to your schedule – Just as you would outside the home, set your work hours and clock off at the end of your designated time. This is important for your mental health. Just because work is at home, doesn’t mean it has to be in your face 24/7.
- Get dressed for work each morning – As tempting as it is to stay in your PJ’s (oops!) we do encourage fellow work-from-homers to get dressed as though they are going out to the office. This helps you get into work mode and keeps a better separation between home and work life.
- Take breaks – It’s important to take regular breaks when working from home, even if its just to walk around the house a couple of times or go and eat your lunch in the sun.
- Use technology to stay distraction-free – There are many great apps available now to help increase your productivity through being organised and less distracted. Read our digital wellbeing blog for more on this topic.