7 Steps to Get More Google Reviews for Your South West Australian Business

Google reviews are a pivotal factor for clients engaging with your business. Positive testimonials elevate your digital reputation and heighten your visibility on Google – which means more prospective customers or clients in the long term. Today’s blog sheds light on practical steps to boost your Google reviews, and help you understand their significance for your business success.

Why Google reviews are crucial

Before we delve into the strategies, let’s appreciate the value of Google reviews:

  • Boosts SEO and online presence: Playing a vital role in search engine optimisation, Google reviews help your business ascend in search rankings, drawing more potential clients and sales.
  • Fosters trust and credibility: Online reviews are as seen as personal recommendations by many customers. A robust collection of positive reviews solidifies your reputation as a trustworthy service provider.
  • Guides purchase decisions: The influence of positive reviews on purchasing decisions is immense, often tipping the scales in your favour.
  • Facilitates valuable feedback: Customer reviews offer insightful feedback, enabling you to enhance your offerings based on real customer experiences.

7 Steps to increase Google reviews

  1. Engage your customers: Promptly ask for reviews following a positive interaction or service completion, leveraging their fresh, positive experience.
  2. Streamline the review process: Avoid complicated procedures by providing straightforward links and instructions for leaving a review.
  3. Acknowledge all reviews: Show appreciation for feedback by responding to all reviews, reflecting your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  4. Promote on digital platforms: Utilise your website and social media to highlight your Google review link, making it effortless for clients to leave their thoughts.
  5. Consider incentives: Ethically motivate your clients with small incentives for their feedback, while steering clear of paying for reviews (fake reviews not only stand out to people but to bots as well).
  6. Implement email follow-ups: A courteous email thanking clients for their patronage and inviting them to review can effectively increase response rates. (Pro tip: Text message is even more successful).
  7. Educate your team: Ensure your staff recognises the importance of Google reviews and how to encourage feedback. You may even implement a small staff incentive for obtaining positive Google reviews from clients or customers.

Locating your Google review link

Facilitating review submission begins with sharing your Google review link. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you find and copy your Google link:

  • Sign into your Business Google account (Please note: If you don’t know what email your Google listing is located under, contact our team and we can help you gain access).
  • Click the 9 dots at the top right hand corner (pink circle above).
  • Click Business Profile Manager (pink circle above).
  • Select your business (pink circle above).
  • Click Get more reviews (pink circle above).
  • Click the copy button (pink circle above).

This is your Google review link; now you can send it in emails, text messages, create QR codes and more. Make it as simple as possible for people to review your business.

Pro tip: Less clicks make people more likely to leave a review.


This is where the review link takes people, directly to your review section. For more detailed review strategies check out our 5 Ways to Ask for Reviews blog


Amplifying Google reviews is a strategic method to bolster your online presence and credibility. By adopting these steps and nurturing a culture of authentic, positive feedback from happy customers, your business is set to thrive. Remember, authenticity is paramount—genuine, heartfelt reviews are your most valuable asset.

If you find it hard to ask for reviews and would like help or someone to do it for you, contact our team and we will get you on the right review path.

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