6 reasons why your small business needs a website

Guest blogger: Chris Bibby, Developer

Many businesses now don’t bother with a website, instead opting to set up a Facebook page as their digital marketing focus.

Aside from risking losing control of their online presence, they’re also missing out on opportunities for new business opportunities and lead generation.

Let’s take a look at 6 reasons why you need a website for your small business.

1. Don’t build your house on rented land

Your Facebook business page is great for keeping in touch with your clients, and it may even bring you new business. However, how you appear to people searching for you is out of your control.

You’ve probably also noticed that your public posts don’t really get much traction these days, unless you keep paying money to boost them or run advertising campaigns.

Facebook and other social media platforms should be part of your online presence, but they shouldn’t be the main focus. These platforms limit the control over how and when you appear to prospective clients online.

2. More room to tell your story

Trying to condense your message down into bite-sized chunks so you can compete with the viewer’s 10 second attention span on social media doesn’t do your brand any justice.

In contrast, with your own webpage, you are able to invite visitors into your brand’s story and introduce yourself to them in a way that makes them feel confident you can solve their problem. After all, isn’t that why you are in business in the first place?

3. Show off your style

You’re different to your competition, and you should be proud of this.

Social media pages are a bit generic. They all look the same, and like it or not, they’re all saying the same thing most of the time too.

With a website you can let your brand’s personality shine through and stand out. You are not just another Facebook page, you can be more YOU and fully utilise your own style.

6 Reasons why your small business needs a website

4. Credibility

There is a heap of studies out there that show a correlation between having a business website and perceived credibility. Down the line, this means people are more likely to buy from (or work with) a business that has an online presence separate from social media. Businesses with just a Facebook page are often seen as more of a hobby business or a fly-by-night operation.

The take-home message here? Having a well-designed website to rep your business makes you look like a pro!

5. People are looking for you online

If someone is looking for a business like yours in your area, chances are they’re going to head to Google and search for it.

How your search results appear in search engines is known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Whilst SEO can often be made out as some mysterious unicorn that only the blessed few can provide, it really isn’t.

SEO starts with a correctly set up website with content and keywords that answer common questions and help people find you. From here, it is just a case of keeping it updated and relevant.

6. A platform for lead generation

Every business needs a steady stream of new leads to survive.

With a well-set-out website and a marketing plan, you can put your lead generation on autopilot so your website generates new leads for you while you get on with running your business.

Think of your website as your base to launch all your marketing activities. 

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