Business owners; avoid these 10 marketing mistakes

As a digital marketer, photographer and social media content planner, I have begun to notice quite a few common errors small businesses make in their online content. Have a read through the 10 common mistakes made by business owners below, and be honest – do any of these ring bells?

Repetitive social posts

This is a fairly obvious one – posting the same photos and exact text every week to your Facebook page or community groups makes people switch off! Mix it up and keep your content engaging and varied.

No social posts or strategy

Even worse than repetitive social posts are NO posts; with all the new Google updates that we have talked about recently, it is now more important than ever for business owners to be active online. 

Similarly, when you are posting, you need to have a strategy. If your social media presence lacks goals and objectives, it is unlikely your efforts will convert to actual results. Business owners need to have a clear idea of what they are trying to achieve from social media and how they will achieve it. Make sure you have a solid plan to get your efforts to the end goal.

Business owners avoid these 10 mistakes - bored

Not “giving to get

“Giving to get” is the best way to succeed in social media, and this strategy requires a generous spirit! Small businesses succeed in social media when they go out of their way to help people by providing helpful content. Sharing information and stories, joining conversations where you can lend a hand, and making it easy for people to try your products and services are all ways you can give back to your audience and (in the long run) encourage sales.

Disappearing from social media

It’s OK if you miss a post here and there, but don’t post regularly, then stop and not bother! Why is this bad? If people find your Facebook page while searching for your business and see you haven’t posted in MONTHS, then they will wonder if you are still open. This may lead them to search for a competitor who is more active online. Stay consistent – see below.

No consistency

Building social media presence with engaged followers is hard. It can take up to 12 – 18 months of consistent efforts to see measurable results. Be patient.

Regularly posting helpful content is a must. Without consistency, you could run the risk of losing the anticipation from your followers. Have a strategy for your social media content each month, plan your posts and schedule them in advance to help you stay consistent, and keep getting your business messages out there.

Business owners avoid these 10 mistakes - young posting to social media

Getting ‘the young’ to post for your business

It’s easy to believe that the tech-savvy millennials can manage social media in the office and therefore handball this task to them. However, in reality, social media for business is very complex and different to personal social media. This can not be learned in a one-day course, and it all constantly changes.

It takes a lot of time to stay on top of new technology, algorithm updates and trends to ensure you implement the right strategy for your target market. Take the time to learn how social media algorithms work, what the current best practices for businesses are, and gradually increase your organic reach without all the selfies!

Not connecting with your audience

Let’s say you’ve created a profile that has quality content and is well-thought-out, but you are still not achieving the results or goals you set. Why? Engagement is the key. This is a time-consuming process, but to get the best engagement, you must connect and interact with your audience one-on-one regularly. You can’t expect your audience to always come to you; go to them via other forums, responding to comments and liking their posts.

Not responding to comments

It’s astounding how many businesses forget social media is a SOCIAL platform! When someone reaches out to your company via a comment, you must respond quickly and thoughtfully. Once people realise your business doesn’t engage on social media, your brand will suffer. The last thing you want is for your company to be labelled as only interested in self-promotion, a cardinal sin of social media marketing.

No website or old website with no updates

With recent Google updates, it is now vital that businesses have a website to rank well online. Ensure your business website is updated regularly and is working correctly so it is properly indexed and bringing you the SEO you need.

No Google My Business listing

OK, yes, you knew this was going to be mentioned, didn’t you?! Having a verified Google My Business listing is paramount for local search results. If someone is searching for your business online, your location GMB will rank better than anything else.

Business owners avoid these 10 mistakes - no google my business listing

If these mistakes sound like you in your business, then take action now. Speak to our team and find out just how affordable it is to get your business functioning better online; contact us for your FREE 30mins digital meeting.