Why your business is suffering without a website

What is a website for, and why is it important for your business?

A great website is a central hub for your business, a place to showcase what you offer, to help people connect with you, and to sell your products and services. Your website is where your social media posts should be directing people, and your verified Google My Business listing should recognise as a primary contact. In addition, your business website should answer the fundamental questions your customers may ask about your business, products or services, as well as tell them how to work with you.

What is a Website, and Why is it Important for Your Business?

What is a website? A website is a collection of pages (or posts) that are on a specific domain name. A website can be a digital brochure for your business, an eCommerce (online sales) site or even a lead collection tool.

If you have a business, it is essential to have a website, and it is paramount to keep it up to date. It’s the first thing people see when they go online to find you, and it can make or break their decision to buy from you.

What happens if my website is left without updates?

Apart from not looking great when people visit your site, a poorly maintained website will not get picked up by Google bots, which limits your potential reach. Essentially, Google will stop talking to it if it is outdated enough, as the bots won’t bother to crawl it. As a result, your website will start dropping down the search engine results page (SERP) and eventually drop off the rankings altogether. 

Does an out-of-date website affect your Facebook page? Not directly, but if you are sending people to your website and it is too slow, pages no longer exist, or the information is clearly out-of-date, then your bounce rate will increase. 

An outdated website will also affect your paid Facebook ad campaigns, and you will end up paying for clicks that leave your website without using it (bounce rate), which is money down the drain! 

Why is bounce rate important? Bounce rate is the number of people that find your website but leave immediately. Although technically they landed on your page, not spending any time on your content is actually detrimental to your ranking.

Why is bounce rate important?
do you need a website for your business

Does your business need a website? YES, if you want to compete in search rankings.

Do I need to update my website? YES, if you don’t, your website will eventually fall off the rankings.

How to choose the best web design company for your needs

Choosing the best web design company for your needs can be daunting. Many different companies offer a wide range of services, and you need to do your research to understand what each company is providing for what they charge. Our advice is to spend a little more each month if that includes regular updates, as it is worth it to keep your ranking growing.

How to Choose the Best Web Design Company for Your Needs
How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Company for Your Needs

How to choose the best web hosting company for your needs

A web hosting company is a company that provides services for hosting websites, which is essentially the place your files, images and all other content live in cyberspace. When choosing the best web hosting company for your needs, there are many factors to consider, including what type of site you need. A great host will not only point you in the right direction, but guide you there and ensure your success.

At CLPSites, we work with an incredible web hosting company and include hosting in your monthly fees, so you don’t have to worry about paying an extra bill. We continually back up and maintain your websites to ensure they are working at their highest functions, and you reap the rewards. Learn more about CLPSites via the link below.

How to choose the best domain name registrar for your needs

Choosing the right domain name registrar is not easy. Many factors need to be considered, such as price, customer service, and features. The marketplace is quite competitive in this regard and sometimes hard to navigate, so we are always here to help when we work with you on your new business website.

Crazy domains are who we recommend registering a domain with, if it all seems a little too daunting then we can register a new domain for you and transfer ownership once your website is launched. Click the button below to register your domain today.

How to Choose the Best Domain Name Registrar for Your Needs
In Conclusion: The Importance of Having a Website in Today's Digital World

In conclusion: The importance of having a website in today’s digital world

Websites have become a necessity in today’s digital world. They allow people to find information quickly and can be updated and changed with ease. Business websites provide an opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and services, and are a great way for companies to reach new customers.

A great business website will be created with your unique needs in mind, with quality content, fast load speeds and a mobile-friendly interface. There is no excuse anymore for poor sites!

Websites are an essential part of any company’s marketing strategy and should be a priority on your marketing list. 

If it is time to update your business website, or create something brand new to boost your business online, contact us at CLPSites to get the ball rolling. We can’t wait to work with you!

Landing Page

$1,650 inc GST
  • + $78.00 inc GST p/month network fees *
  • or + $211.00 inc GST p/quarter network fees *
  • or + $757.00 inc GST p/year network fees *
  • Monthly instalments for initial costs available
  • Done for you single page site creation
  • Successful Site Blueprint
  • Mobile-first responsive design
  • Basic Local SEO optimisation (Upgrade SEO $440 inc GST)
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Content Website

$2,970 inc GST
  • + $78.00 inc GST p/month network fees *
  • or + $211.00 inc GST p/quarter network fees *
  • or + $757.00 inc GST p/year network fees *
  • Monthly instalments for initial costs available
  • Done for you site creation
  • Setup of up to 2 extra pages
  • Fully featured blog
  • Successful Site Blueprint
  • Basic Local SEO optimisation (Upgrade SEO $440 inc GST)
  • Copy content written by a Professional writer
  • Mobile-first responsive design
  • *Premium integrations
  • *Australian based server
  • *Secure site hosting
  • *Secure DNS hosting
  • *Daily backups
  • *Awesome Support
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Basic e-commerce

$4,400 inc GST
  • + $132.00 inc GST p/month network fees *
  • or + $363.00 inc GST p/quarter network fees *
  • or + $1,287.00 inc GST p/year network fees *
  • Monthly instalments for initial costs available
  • Done-with-you e-commerce site
  • No platform % of sales fees, only pay the merchant fees
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Basic Local SEO optimisation (Upgrade SEO $550 inc GST)
  • Setup of up to 2 additional pages
  • Comprehensive Training
  • Mobile first responsive design
  • Fully featured blog
  • Copy content written by a Professional writer
  • *Premium Integrations
  • *Australian Based Server
  • *Secure Site Hosting
  • *Secure DNS Hosting
  • *Daily backups
  • *Awesome Support
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